Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Low-carb life.

So Chris and I started a 30 day healthy challenge. We each picked what we wanted to do (diet wise) and started our journeys. I chose to do my 30 day challenge lowcarb style. Chris chose to just eat healthier and watch his portions. My main goal with my 30 days is to see if I really loose belly fat (inches) like most people claim they do on a low carb diet. I have plenty to loose! Chris is just trying to beat me. ;) Whomever looses the most weight after the 30 days wins a whole day of doing/going/eating whatever and wherever they choose and gets a new pair of kicks! I can't wait to go outlet shopping! We are both going to the gym and working out. We are doing cardio and strength. I've heard that guys naturally loose faster than gals so I'm hoping that by cutting carbs I will give myself a boost to loose quickly. 

So far, I must admit, this day has been very headachy. Bllllllaaaahhhhh. I'm assuming this side effect is from cutting carbs and sweets off after a weekend of binging on all things carby. I knew better, but the hubs and I had a sweet little getaway to a cabin in TN. You can't go on a little getaway without munchies and lots of eating. I'm sure we all know that feeling of pure hunger after swimming in a pool? Well, that is kinda what happens with me and hot tubs. Or big bath tubs. Or shopping. Or playing mini golf. Haha! Who am I kidding? I just love to eat. I honestly enjoy food. I love to get in the kitchen to create new dishes and expand my hubby's taste buds. He's come to love many new things from my cooking experiments. 

So I said all that to say this. 

For the next 30 days I will try to post my foodie pics and ideas for low carb eats and maybe even treats. 

Today I tried cheesy egg scramble for breakfast. It was so delish! I absolutely hate raw onions. I mean hate! The smell. The taste. The texture. Blllecckk! My family can amen that for me. To my wonderful surprise I learnt that I LOVE chives. I am so glad I made myself try them. I actually can't believe I had never tried them. They gave my breakfast a delicious flavor. I can see chive smoothies in the future. ;) J/k. Or am I? 

For lunch I had about a pound of spinach. No. Seriously. I think I really did. I do love some good greens tho. Spinach is probably my favorite. I added feta cheese crumbles and pecans. Now I would rather of had those sweet toasted brown sugar kind that you get in restaurant salads, but alas I chose regular ones that are not too carby. If I have good cheese or add-ins in my salad I don't even need dressing. I just gobbled up this beatiful green bowl in no time and even felt full. 

For supper we had more spinach, but it got paired with a lovely cheesy tasty meat patty. I could have easily eaten one or two more, but I'm saying no to my usual gorging. :) 

So for day one I think it went well! Besides the headache that is. Hopefully that goes away soon. 

If I get hungry later I may have to have myself a grapefruit. Fruit is dessert around this lowcarb house. :) 

Hope y'all enjoyed the post! Hopefully I can post daily so y'all can see my delicious daily foods. Till then...


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