Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Living low carb (day 2!)

I woke up today feeling much better than I did previously. My headache is all but gone and I feel more energized! Even without my cold brew. Did I say cold brew? Yes I did. Cold brew! Oh my! That will have to be a whole post of its own. Coming soon, by the way. ;) 

When considering breakfast choices, one of the first thoughts that come to mind is eggs. Eggs are an all time breakfast staple. You can even ask my eight year old niece, Kari. She absolutely loves a good "eggie" before starting her adventurous day. :) Eggs are especially favorable when you are living a lowcarb lifestyle. They contain roughly about 6 grams of protein and > 1 carb gram. 

I paired this mornings cheesy egg scrabble with sautéed spinach. These ingredients pair so well together. They offer earthy flavors that satisfy long after the plate had been licked clean. 

For lunch I had a spinach salad with a leftover meat patty from last nights supper. I am including a picture of my full plate so that people (my mother) can see the potion ratio. Mom, if I do get high cholesterol and high BP it will not be because I am only eating meat. ;) I am loading my body up on good greens as well! 

As you can see over half of my plate is loaded with good fresh green spinach. I don't use dressing, but if you have to use dressing, please do so in moderation. Otherwise you are loading up on empty carbs and calories. 

If y'all are anything like me you're a snackster. I'm not a huge chip fan, but I do love a little salty snack sometimes. I found that lightly salted almonds are the perfect way to curb that salty craving. 

Just one small handful goes a long way in curing that potato chip desire. :) It's not just the Lays brand that can proclaim, "Bet you can't eat just one!" I easily find myself obtaining a second handful and have to put some back. 

Now we come to supper. Ohhhh supper. I had already picked out my recipe and was set to go. Then I remembered the dreaded oven. Ohhhh the oven. I haven't used my oven in awhile and forgot that my sweet darling husband used it last. To make a long story short, Chris transferred  burgers from the grill (ran out of gas) and placed them on a pizza pan and inserted said pan into the oven. When he pulled them out and I saw said pan I cringed. Majorly! It was a round pizza pan with holes all in it. Y'all know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about a oven bottom full of grease. I'm talking about oven racks with dried grease still in dripping form. Ohhhhhh that blasted oven! I had to decide really quick if I was going to clean that dreaded oven or change my recipe. I have y'all know I didn't just clean that oven. I shined that oven! I also lined the bottom of the oven with sheets of Reynolds wrap in case said pan gets used in a similar way again.

*Insert quick prayer:
Lord, I do pray you will not let him or I forget this said pan experience. Ever. Amen!

After my oven was sparkling, I was ready to go, but then I couldn't find my recipe. I was not about to let that hinder me! I went to work mixing "this" and "that" and little more "that" until I had what I hoped was a delicious porkrind oven fried chicken. It was indeed delicious! 

I also had some vegetables that needed to be used so I just threw a bunch of them in the double boiler and steamed them. Cabbage, mixed peppers, and little tomatoes perfectly soft yet crunchy. Yum!

When all was prepared I filled my plate to the brim. Oh, but wait, I couldn't leave spinach out tonight, could I? No way! So I laid my little chicken tenders to rest on a bed of fresh green linens. ;) 

There ya have it folks. Another low carb day complete. 

Hope y'all enjoyed the post. :)

Till tomorrow,