Monday, March 7, 2016

Living lowcarb (day 7!)

Has it been a full week already?! Wow! It's going pretty fast. I slept in for a little bit this morning, but once I got up and had my cold brew, I hit the floor running. I did get a lot accomplished and I'm thankful for that. I skipped breakfast, but more than made up for it at lunch. 

I met Laura, my new workout gal, at the gym and we had a good intense workout. Towards the end of our workout she said, "So is it bad that all I can think of is Mexican food?" I told her I would go get lunch with her since I hadn't eaten breakfast. She then stated, "I've not had anything since my snickers ice cream this morning." **insert eye rolling here** What am I going to do with her? Lol! She's a nut for sure. Lunch was delicious and very filling. 

I came back home after lunch and finished cleaning and mopping my house. Once the hubs got home we took a partial family walk. It would have been a complete family walk if Rascal had been with us. I don't think I can handle them both together, but I will brave up and try it soon. Bella won't let Chris walk her. She has to be with me at all times. If we even try it she will stub up and not go anywhere until I take her leash. Rascal is just into everything and has to do that whole pee on everything thing that boy dogs do. I don't get nearly as much exercise with him. 

Once we got home Chris grilled us some chicken and I fixed a big salad. We made amazing grilled chicken salads that put O'Charley's salads to the test! We both agreed that our salad won our votes. 

Well folks it's been another wonder lowcarb day around here. 

Till tomorrow,

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