Sunday, March 13, 2016

Living lowcarb (day 13!)

Bless the Lord! It's His day and I love being in his presence! 

We had wonderful services today. There's such a spirit of revival in the air. Chris has been preaching outstandingly better than he really can. God's anointing has been so evident. I'm so glad for God's presence that draws us near and holds us close to his heart. 

After service we ate at the fellowship hall with the church people. I'm glad there was some low carb options. 

It was a wonderful meal! After our evening service we ate again and I stocked up on lunch meat, cheese, and lots of veggies. I'm going to bed with a full belly, a happy heart, and Jesus. What more could I need? 

Hope you all have had a great Lord's day as well! 


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