Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day #3

Today I am thinking, "Can I make it 7 more days?!" Honestly, I'm not sure. My sugar craving is at all time high!!! I even had a dream last night that I was hiding in a closet eating a whole jelly roll. Jelly rolls are not even my thing, but I woke thinking how good one would taste. Just looking at all my green foods makes me tremor inside a little. Yet I must push through! 

This morning I woke up with a slight headache and a sore throat, but I really think these symptoms are coming from the weather rather than the diet. I'm so ready for Spring to be here! I'm ready to get out and enjoy some sunshine for a change. 

I started my day with my warm lemon water (it really helped my throat feel better) and studying for a biology exam. Since I had class today and I was a little tired of eggs, I opted for a green smoothie for breakfast. I used unsweetened almond milk and mixed in 2 cups of assorted greens, and a cup of blueberries. I mixed it all up in the blender and enjoyed a quick healthy breakfast.

I also snacked on a banana. 

For lunch I had a HUGE salad! I mean HUGE!!! It had all kinds of mixed greens, spinach, broccoli, snap peas, carrots, chicken, and fresh blueberries. Mmmm! So good. I really piled it high. 

For a snack I tried my homemade hummus. It's not nearly as tasty as store bought, but for my first time making it I thought it was pretty good. I have some new recipes I'm also going to try. They are flavored so I think I will like them better than this plain version. 

Now for supper, y'all may puke a little just looking at it. My sweet aunt Sharon (she has The Daniel Plan cookbook) sent me some recipes out of the book last night. I decided to try the creamed asparagus soup tonight. I tweaked it just a little to add more flavor. It really wasn't too awful. If you ask Chris you will probably get a different answer. ;) I may be turning green. Literally. 

Whatcha think? Would you eat it? 

I also learnt a very valuable lesson.....DO NOT put boiling hot liquids in a blender and try to blend!!! I have the burns on my arm, hand, & belly to prove this. The whole top of my blender blew off and splattered me and half of my kitchen in boiling hot green gunk. :0 Lesson learnt! 

For some good news, I received my kitchen aid food processor today. I can't wait to get in there and make some homemade nut butter!!! 

Well tonight is Church night so I need to go get my praise on! 

Luv y'all!