Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feels like summer.................

I must admit that I am loving this weather!!! It is just beautiful. I love the smell of fresh cut grass floating through the air, and that cow manure smell that only country people appreciate. :)

I used to be this person who loved rainy, dark, and cloudy days..............I guess that was my dark side. ;) I hated for the curtains to be pulled back and seeing the sun shinning so bright it hurt my eyes. Now, I open every shade, window, and door I can! I love it!!! I honestly think I can smell the sunshine fresh and warm.

I have been taking advantage of any outside time I can get. I even pushed mowed my front lawn. Talk about desperate for some nature time. It was well worth it!

The kids and I went to the park this evening and had a blast. Ashlee was getting her van fixed and Chris was working so we headed out for a little fun and sun. We had a blast with lots of queen tag and hide-n-seek. They especially loved leading or "pulling" rascal on the leash. I finally made them quit when he started choking to death. So Kari put the leash around Malachi's head and led him around the park. It was too cute.

I hope everone has enjoyed this beautiful day as much as we have!

God Bless!


1 comment:

  1. i love it. just dont know why theres no new news
