Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School Days!

MY OH MY! My life has changed drastically since I began school this semester. I have to say that most of the time I really enjoy it. But the other times, when I'm up until 5am doing my homework and writing my article reviews, I shake my head and wonder why?!?! Then I go to work and I remember. Its well worth it! LOL!!! I really enjoy my classes and who~would~a~thought~it, I'm learning all kinds of new stuff. I always told Chris I knew it all, however, I'm realizing that I have ALOT to learn.

Chris is handling all this change very good. Used to I could count on one hand the times he went to bed without me. I feel like the past three weeks he's had to every night. I'm also lacking in my exercising. I think this is hurting Ashlee's feelings more than mine tho. :) One thing I do miss is seeing the kids. I used to go to work and when I got off I would go to moms and play with the kids till Ashlee got off work. Then I'd go home fix supper (or Ash would) and then we'd walk 3-5 miles. Get up the next day and do it all again. Now I feel like I'm always running here and there. If not for that "sweet hour of prayer" (as Dad preached) I would go crazy!!! Well, its late and I need to go to bed so I can function in the morning. I have math class at 8am. I need to be sharp! Oh yea, I've lost 3lbs. That puts my total to 60lbs.!!!!! I think its just the stress though. But, I'll take what I can get!


  1. Glad you posted. I've been wondering if you're still alive or not.

  2. Hey Lacey sounds like you got a full plate girl. But it will be worth it when you get thru it. Hang in there.
