Sunday, September 12, 2010

6th Anniversary!

Friday Chris and I celebrated our 6th year anniversary. It's hard to believe that this much time has passed. We went to Chilli's to eat supper and then to the mall for shopping. We topped it all off with a drink from Starbucks. MMMMMM!!! My absolute favorite! They have the fall flavors out now. I love the pumpkin spice. I didn't get to take any pics so I don't have any to post. I will say that I love Bath and Body's new "Dark Kiss" scent. It is just magical! We had a great date and I love these fall evening spending time with my hubby. Its hard (for me)to think that I can love Chris so much more than when we first got married. I never thought it would be possible, but it is! Oh yea, did I mention how blessed I am to have him for my hubby? This morning when I got up he said he had a surprise for me. He had cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, took out the trash, and *woot woot*. . . . cleaned the BATHROOM!!!!!! He is the BEST and I love him more and more.

I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you have him too. You're very blessed. :)

  2. He's very blessed to have you too! I forgot to add that in there. LOL!!! You all are definitely made for each other.

  3. I think God had both of you in mind when he made you. You were fortunate in that you found The One....way too many folks don't. I love you dearly!
