Thursday, January 14, 2016

Nothing's out of His control.

My dad bought me a magnet with a poem written on it when I went through the loss of Ezra. It says...

God Is In Control
Knowing God has a plan for 
our lives is very important. 
Putting our faith in God's plan 
allows us to trust that the events 
in our lives are meant to be. 
It helps us to make choices that 
must be made and realize things 
are not really out of control ~ 
they are under His control. There is 
a peace that can be found knowing 
that His plan is playing out in our lives. 
~ Rick Norman 

I can't count the times I've wondered why things had to be the way they are. I've struggled with thinking in some way I caused the death of my baby, even though the doctor and nurses explained and stressed to me that sometimes it just happens. I researched and read all that I could to see if I could've done something different. Everything I read said the same thing. It just happens. It's life. 

I like to know why things happen. I like things to be explained. I like finding ways of changing outcomes to be better. I guess it's human nature to want to understand things. I had to learn, actually I'm still learning, that sometimes God just lets things happen. No explanation. No discussing it with me first. He has His own plan. Even though the situation seemed so out of control I was reminded time and time again that He has it all in His control. God was not taken by surprise that I lost my baby. He didn't ring His hands in anxiety. He knew from the beginning that I would walk this path. He also knew that I would not walk it alone. Not only did He say He would be with me, but I was provided with a husband, family, friends,nurses and doctors that encouraged and helped me every step. God provided everything I needed. At times I felt like it was honestly more than I could bear, He found a way to show me that I wasn't bearing the burden alone. I've never felt alone through any of the sorrow. His strength has sustained me. His love has engulfed me. His presence has surrounded me. 

I don't know the why. I don't have to know the why. I just know that I can trust in God. I can trust that my life and my baby's life are in His control. Everything I face and go through comes through Him first. If He thinks I can take it and make it, then by His grace I will. God is my rock. He's my deliver. I'm not afraid of what's to come anymore. I'm trusting in the one who holds the world in His hands. 

I am but a speck of dust on this earth. To think that He cares so much for me and what I go through means more than anything. I'm learning that earth holds nothing for a child of God. All my desires have shifted slightly and are now to make heaven my home. I have more to go to heaven for than I ever have. My treasure is waiting for me. I pray we'll all be ready when He comes. Hopefully soon. 

Luv to all!