Saturday, October 20, 2012


Grace.......such a simple one syllable word. So easy to roll of the lips without a true understanding of the meaning of such a small word. Dictionary meanings rage from: elegance and politeness to generosity of spirit. Those are all wonderful meanings of the word, but I was introduced to a new definition this week that hit me like a boulder through my heart.

It simply states, "Grace - undeserved kindness."

WOW!  How many times have I given undeserved kindness to someone? How long has it been since I truly felt the effects of offering grace to someone. It is easy to show kindness to someone we love or to show grace to someone who is dear to our heart. But what about those who don't deserve it or those who are not sorry for the pain they have caused?

It hit me hard and all I could think of was a situation where someone had hurt me so badly that I literally felt physically out of breath. I felt the pain like raw flesh. I tried to push the incident from my mind and move on with my life. It seemed like every time I thought of this situation or the person, I could feel the poison seep through my mind and into my heart. It kept building till I had a hatred I had never know. A blackness settled into my heart. I was strangling from the bitterness and hate. It was eating me alive.

I knew I had to pray about the situation and the condition of my heart, but I sure didn't want to. It was easier to hold the grudge than to give it to God. It was the point I prayed up to....and then stopped. It flashed before my eyes when I tried praying for others. There was no getting around it. It had to be dealt with. With God's help I tried my best to forgive, but I was doing it grudgingly. I wasn't giving it freely or with a honest heart. I even sorrowfully admit that I secretly wished harm on this person for the pain they had caused.

After reading this definition of Grace I felt God whisper to my heart....."are you willing to offer grace to this person?" I was reprimanded by the thought of how many times I had hurt God and caused him pain and sorrow. Yet he never put condition upon the his grace. He offered it freely to me and never wished harm upon my life. How could I expect grace when I wasn't also willing to give grace?

This is where the healing begins! I am trying (with God's help) to give grace to those who don't deserve it and those who don't ask for it. I am reminded of Matthew 7:2 ~For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. I don't want to be denied grace because I was unwilling to give grace.

I just wanted to share a little of what God has helped me see. I need to view all things through his eyes and and not my own. I hope you all are enjoying this cool fall weather. I know I sure am. God has been good to us and I thank him for his loving patience with me.

(pics are of some special ladies in my life!)

Happy Fall Y'all!

~Lacey McKinney

Monday, October 8, 2012

Falling in love with Fall

Fall is here at last! Cool weather...the fire blazing...pumpkin spice I must say I am in love! I have always liked the fall of the year, but it seems like I am loving it even more as we progress into the season. And of course there is carmel apples......a favorite of ours!!!

I have been looking for some good ways to make carmel and I found a simple way to make it on Pinterest. The pinner boasted of perfection and delisiousness in this simple how~to and so I decided to try it.

All you need is a crock-pot. (I just used my small one)

A can of sweetened condensed milk. (I used GV brand)

You put the whole can in the crock-pot and cover with water. After cooking the can in the crock-pot for 8hrs on low and then cooling in the will open the jar to an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G treat! (be sure to cool or it will expload when you open the jar......yes I learnt this the hard way)

I served it up with a platter of fresh apples for dessert for my sweet hubby. He loves apples and carmel and I was anxious to see if he liked it.

The taste test........

So now we have a new Fall favorite thanks to Pinterest. I encourage you to try it. It is DELISH!!!

Till I blog again.....Lacey