Monday, April 23, 2012

My Letter

If all my 5 faithful bloggers will excuse me I like to write a letter to the most wonderful person in the mommy.

Dear Mommy,

I went to your house yesterday evening after you and dad had left and I was doing just fine. I even cleaned the house up a little. I separated some yard sale items and got them taken care of. I started you a pile of stuff I think you may want to take with you when you make a trip back. Then I walked into the little room to get all the church paperwork together so I could get started on it. I fount your little note, read it, and absolutely felt like I'd been hit with a MAC truck. Since you all decided to go to Alabama I have been so busy with getting things ready, planning and organizing for your last special service here that I haven't had the luxury to sit down and just think about how this is really going to effect me and my life. Boy did I get to last night. I sat in that nearly empty house and all I could do was think. I tried not too, but I thought, I guess there won't be no more skipping over to Moms for Sunday dinner. No more late Sunday evening trip to DQ. No more spur of the moment Lexington trips to spend all our money on pretzel bites, Godiva, and Starbucks. I'm used to being able to see you whenever I want, now I have to wait till we can arrange a time that fits our schedules. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! How can I make it for weeks at a time without a hug and kiss from mommy? Where do I go now when I feel like I'm falling apart and your not just 15 minuets away? You are not just my mommy, but you are my best Friend! How can I make it without my best friend? How can I make this change in my life without your constant tangible love, support and encouragement? At a time in my life that I feel I need you more than ever.....why this? Mommy, I miss you so much!!!!! It's like being on a diet. You know how when you can't have something that is all you can think about? That is what you crave? Well that's how I feel. I know you are so far away and all I can think about is if I could just hold your hand one more time. If I could just have you pray with me or more time with your arm around me. If I could just sit and ramble on about the ups and downs of life one more time. If I could just hug your neck one more time. Or kiss your cheek. I feel like a faltering weed rather than a budding flower. Mommy, I feel so lost without you. I admit I'm a much better follower than a leader, I'll do all I can with the help of the Lord to be all I can in him. Mommy, I love you! I wanna make you and dad proud!I wanna make God proud! I wanna be strong like you, I wanna be kind like you, I wanna love like you, I wanna PRAY like you! I want to have a Pastor's Wife heart like you! Thank you for being such a wonderful mommy! You are the very best in the world!!!!!! I love and miss you so much!!!!! And when we do get to see each other again I'm gonna squeeze you in a big bear hug and never let go! (till I have to) :)

Till I see you again!
Your loving daughter,

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Weekend in Nashville

This past weekend I went to Nashville for the International Phi Theta Kappa convention. It was exhausting, but fun.

Each state was represented by officers and the state flag. It was so awesome!!!

Lighting of the torch........

Our International President and the four division vise Presidents.

Left to Right: Emma, Liz, Katheryn, Me, and Ruby

Our Commit to Complete College Challenge

Headed to dinner.......

Alpha Phi Kappa......Our Lexington Chapter

All our Kentucky Chapter Members

Delicious Dinners ....................

The Gaylord Hotel

It was gorgeous!!!!!!

Chris went down with me and played the role of personal shopper, dresser, planner, chauffeur, chef and so much more! Bless his heart...if he hadn't kept up with my stuff and kept me on my schedule, I would have been a mess! And late for every conference! I know the Bible says that he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing, but I must say I sure did find a good husband and a GREAT and WONDERFUL thing. :)
I serioulsy couldn't have made it without you baby!!!

What's Nashville without a little Elvis? ;)

Chris and I drove to downtown Nashville around 10pm one night and I must say it was a real eye opener. There was a bar or strip club in every other building. There was homeless people pushing their buggies with all their belongings in it. There was people playing guitars, drums, or just singing and they had little plates set out to take donations. There was drunks everywhere! One poor little ol man was walking around trying to open every door he came to. He had no clue where he was. It was so sad. I am so thankful for where I live with my sweet family and friends, but most of all I'm so thankful for a Savior who loves and cares for his people. I can't imagine living life without him. It brings me to tears when I think of what a life some peole live when the only hope they have is in a pill or a bottle. I couln't face life and make through one day if wasn't for the grace and peace of God! Looking into to the eyes of those lost souls really maked me think of just where I would be if not for the love of God.

Have a good night and God Bless!

Friday, April 13, 2012


I just wanted to post a few pics from our Easter!!!! Thank God for the beautiful weather he gave us.

I had to beg, beg, beg, and then beg some more to get this handsome man in a tie! (but I got it!) :)

Little Miss Busy Kari

Someone taught Trinity well in the ways of posing! :)




Monday, April 2, 2012

Total Surrender

I just had to share my little testimony.

I have recently had to face this issue in my life that I honestly never thought I'd have to face. I'll be honest, I had a hard time of it. I prayed about it, but only to a certain point. I became willing to whatever God wanted, but only if I could keep this little part of me to myself and not give it. Sunday morning I felt God deal with my heart like never before. Isn't it just amazing how God never forgets the things we do? We were having such a good service and the spirit of Lord was in the place dealing with people. It was wonderful, but when my hands went up to praise him.....this one certain thing kept popping into my mind. I couldn't get away from it. I was saying "Lord I'm willing, but I've got to have just this little piece to hold onto." That's when he spoke to my heart like never before. He reminded me of a church service probably a year ago when I had my feet, hands, and head anointed with oil and I told the Lord that I was his servant to use me whenever and however. I told him to use me to do his will and let everything I did bring glory to his name. He ever so gently reminded me that I was the one who prayed that prayer and commit ed myself to surrender all. Well let me just say sometimes we better be careful what we pray for unless we are truly willing. I had to totally surrender Sunday morning and although the flesh didn't want to I have had such a wonderful peace today. God knew I hadn't totally surrendered. He was asking of me the very thing I felt I had to keep, but once I let it go.......I felt a freedom like never before. I know that the bible says he will never give us more than we can bear and he proved to me once again that his word is true. Sometimes it is so hard to just let go, but he has been faithful to me and I want to be faithful to him!

I love this quote, "God does not require a man to have one talent, three talents, or five talents. He only requires that a man be faithful with whatever he has been given. ~Anonymous

Have a good night and God Bless!